Be Merry & Reflect

Be Merry & Reflect

Here we are on December the 1st, the start of our Yuletide campaign, Be Merry and Reflect. This year, as we countdown to the Winter Solstice and Yule (Dec 21st), we want to share with you the folklore and traditions associated with the season as well as indulge in some yuletide inspired self-care.

What is Yule?

The Winter Solstice, also known as Yule, is celebrated on December 21st and it sees the return of the sun, the warmer and lighter days are on the way. It's a time to celebrate surviving the dark and cold winter months. This is the season to be merry and celebrate the start of a new seasonal cycle.  It is at the Winter Solstice that we experience the shortest day and the longest night. From this point the days begin to lengthen as we welcome back the light of the sun. Yule later became Christmas and the meaning changed. This year, we are trying to reconnect with the original principles of Yule... are you with us?

Since ancient times, this period time has been a significant time for ritual, celebration and reflection. It's a time to celebrate the return of the sun but also to reflect on what the darkest days of winter have taught us. Yule marks the start of a new cycle and it is a wonderful time to reflect on the year to see what it has taught us, what we should celebrate and what we should let die off. 

Be Merry and Reflect

Our Yuletide campaign, Be Merry and Reflect, harnesses the ancient energy of Yule and gives it a modern, self-care twist. We shall be exploring the folklore and tradition as well as introducing you to some self-care rituals that are based on the season. There will be journal prompts, self-care exercises and things to do to connect you to the energy of Yule and the Winter Solstice. All you will need is a pen and a journal (nothing fancy) and check in with our social media and blog posts. Let us know how you get on via social media by using the hashtag #bemerryandreflect.

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