To celebrate Aromatherapy Awareness Week, we are going to be publishing some simple recipes for you to try at home. Using basic ingredients and essential oils, you will be able to create your own health and wellbeing products.
Summer is here and before you reach for the shop bought fly spray, why not make this simple, three ingredient, natural insect repellent.
The recipe contains lemongrass which has a powerful lemony fragrance, ideal for keeping those little critters away.
All you will need is a 100ml spray bottle and some witch hazel. Add 100ml of witch hazel to the spray bottle and then add 10 drops of peppermint essential oil and 10 drops of lemongrass essential oil. Shake well and spray when needed. Always shake the bottle before use.
What a cheap and effective way to keep flies away, without using chemicals.
Give it a go and let us know what you think.