The modern world is obsessed with chasing the next commercial holiday. Quicker than you can clean up after your New Year's Eve party, the Easter eggs are in the shops, the "spring clean" adverts are on the television, and love is suddenly in the air as Valentine's Day starts to creep onto the shelves.
However, in nature, there is a different story. There is peace. There is a quiet beauty to a frosty Winter's day. There is also comfort in the fact that even though nature seems in a deep sleep, the bulbs, seeds, and roots are busy below the surface, getting ready for warmer days... something that should reflect in our own lives.
This isn't a time for strict resolutions but a time to go within and ask the big questions, the answers to which will illuminate the path to a better version of ourselves. It's a time to "say no" in an attempt to give ourselves more me time, more time to think and gently plan.
Our ancestors were much more in tune with nature, they understood that there was a time to sow, a time to grow, a time to harvest, and a time to rest. Like nature, we should be slowly going forward into the new year ensuring that we get time to rest, to recharge, and to plan for the year ahead gently.
Our Rest & Charge Collection is a celebration of handmade natural skincare and home fragrance, inspired by the seasonal nudge to slow down and get in tune with nature's rhythm.
Are you ready to rest and charge?